GP Consultation - Online


For patients wanting medical advice in the comfort of their home and without needing to visit the clinic, our GPs offer virtual consultations. Offering the same level of service as in-clinic, our clinicians provide a highly personalised service and expert medical advice to treat a wide range of conditions.

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GP Consultation - Online
£ 70.00
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£ 70.00

For patients wanting medical advice in the comfort of their home and without needing to visit the clinic, our GPs offer virtual consultations. Offering the same level of service as in-clinic, our clinicians provide a highly personalised service and expert medical advice to treat a wide range of conditions.

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GP consultation with Dr Tim Evans LVO - In clinic
£ 350.00
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£ 350.00

Dr Tim Evans LVO provides a highly personalised service and all our consultations come with 30-minute...

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