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All Your Essential Childhood Vaccinations

We offer a whole host of childhood inoculations which are essential for the health and wellbeing of babies, toddlers and young adults. Our services start for children as young as 2 months plus, with childhood boosters provided at our Central London clinic.

Your infant vaccinations are fully taken care of in-clinic.

For the last year, the news has been dominated by talk of the COVID-19 vaccine and its global roll-out. However, there is a whole host of other inoculations which are equally important for health and wellbeing which we provide at (med)24. These are particularly important when looking after your child’s health.

Our services start for children as young as 2 months plus, with childhood boosters provided at our Central London clinic. These include protection against polio for life, lifelong protection against measles, mumps, rubella and meningitis C, 10 years protection against diptheria and tetanus and 3 years protection against whooping cough. (Other vaccinations available from us for other age groups include meningitis, chickenpox, pneumococcal, flu jabs and HPV to protect against certain cancers and genital warts).

The risks to children from exposure to these infections while unvaccinated is significant. According to World Health Organization figures, while polio has been largely eradicated by the global vaccination programme, 1 in 200 of the remaining cases leads to irreversible paralysis; 10-20% of meningitis cases lead to serious long-term effects; in 2018 there were more than 140,000 measles deaths globally the majority in children under 5 years old. Overall, an estimated 5.2 million children under the age of 5 die each year from preventable and treatable causes, with 1.5 million of those aged 1-11 months old. These numbers highlight the severity of these conditions and underline the importance of getting your children protected as early as possible.

All vaccination appointments are carried out by our fully qualified medical team who are available to discuss any queries or concerns you may have about the procedure. They are also trained in anaphylaxis response with the clinic additionally equipped to manage any adverse reactions that might be experienced following the injection.

To book your appointment, or for a preliminary conversation with our expert team about what is best for your child and to discuss any questions that you might have, please call us on +44 (0)20 3873 6322 or email the team at